I’ve been using a Wacom digital pen for many years and have found over time that there are certain models that I enjoy more than others. The original Wacom Digital Paint Pen is a good model, and extremely easy to use and operate. There’s nothing worse than having to fiddle around with the fine lines of your artwork. But the latest model that I own, the N-series from artist Wacom, is a much nicer pen.
It’s a full circle tool that feels very natural in the hand. With its flat surface and the slight curve of the nib it nestles up against my finger like a glove. My fingers are just a bit too large for the standard oval grip of the original Wacom pens. So with the help of a friend, I actually got my stylus professionally modified so that it would fit comfortably in my hand. But I still prefer the convenience of the standard pen.
One of the things that is nice about using a stylus is that you can do a lot of intricate work without even trying. For example, if you are drawing or painting you can erase unwanted lines, create perspective, or even erase things that aren’t wanted in the final piece. With a traditional pen and paper combined, those intricate tasks are not possible. But with a pen and a Wacom Pro plugged into the USB port of my laptop, I am able to do all of these and more.
So, can a pencil eraser be used as a stylus? Well, if you don’t mind holding on to a small pen that feels nice, then yes, it can. But if you really want to become proficient at sketching and drawing, then it will be much faster and easier to draw or paint by using a brush or even finger art tools. Of course, I have always held a pencil and have tried to use it as a stylus. It felt strange at first, but once I got used to it I actually found it quite nice.
The main question is whether a pencil eraser can also be used as a mouse for precision input on computer keyboards. I did some research and found that there are several different models of stylus pens with a USB connection that include this functionality. However, my research was mostly directed towards the Beach Technology Intellicount, which are not my most expensive pen, but my favorite. My results were not very satisfying, but after doing several searches I found what I needed. In fact, I purchased this pen along with a USB cord and it works great for inputting text and getting measurements. The only issue is that the size of the USB port is too small for a decent sized eraser.
Is a pencil eraser a stylus? Only you can decide. They do make a great addition to any collection and I would recommend looking into some models if you have never used one before. As long as you do not have a full sized keyboard to get leverage from, they will do the job for you.